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RCA: Reflection/ Self-Assessment Essay

In the researched critical analysis paper I challenged my ability to argue by using evidence to support my claim, thesis. I used several rhetorical strategies to develop my argument and employed useful tips learned in class and derived online. All these resources allowed me to strengthen my paper and give it credibility as an academic essay. Furthermore, it has permitted me to accomplish and acknowledge the course learning outcomes for the class.

My essay titled, “Humor: A Distasteful Concept In Life is Beautiful”, argues that the film, Life is Beautiful, inaccurately represents the horrors of the Holocaust by employing humor throughout the scenes. Its purpose is to inform readers to acknowledge how humor incorporated within one of the most traumatic events in history can serve as offensive to many, especially to those who identify with the subject at hand. Therefore, my audience is the general public, focusing more on the individuals that are inclined to believe anything they see behind a screen.

Unlike many who address their thesis in the first paragraph, my thesis is introduced at the end of the second paragraph. This was done to summarize the movie in the introduction and give the reader sufficient background information for my thesis to be better understood. Aside from this, there are five body paragraphs in total that each support a specific claim. One of them consisting of a counterargument, in which the opposing viewpoint is acknowledged in order to grow on my credibility and prevent any bias statements.

The claims within my essay are based on ethos, pathos, and logos. Ethos is employed with my in-text citations acquired by the works of educated critics and writers, which provides credibility through the sense of authority. Pathos is incorporated with my critical tone and word choice, such as traumatic and fallacious to convince and appeal to and the emotions of my audience. Lastly, logos is greatly depicted with the use of outside sources to reveal information that support my claim and make it valid. Also the use of statistics add more significance, especially when directing my concern to the number of deaths that resulted from this tragedy.

To satisfy my course learning outcomes, I took various steps to complete my final draft. For instance, I started by creating a proposal to ensure that my argument was sensible and adequate. Then I created an annotated bibliography in order to identify what and how I will be using my sources to support my thesis. Afterwards, two drafts were written to build my writing towards perfection. To aid with this, both drafts were peer reviewed thoroughly by other students and the professor, which allowed me to correct my mistakes and better analyze my sources. With the guidance of the professor and “Owl Purdue” I was able to cite my sources correctly and identify them as reliable by seeking journals and article from scholarly websites such as CCNY online databases.

The use of rhetorics has assisted me to build an argument with much validity. The secondary sources aided me greatly to develop my stance and argue my side without much bias. The drafting process helped me as well, although, I do acknowledge that my grammar and punctuation could be further edited. Despite this, the stance in my essay was made clear and supported sufficiently. As a result, these resources have led me to strengthen my argument, persuade my audience, and complete the course learning outcome goals.